2024 Ministry of Clouds Adelaide Hills GG


$36.00 BTL
$216.00 6PK


Off the Reservation, and into the wilderness… There are a few opportunities in life, where it is ok to break the ‘rules’ – where conventional norms and the agreed method only serve to limit curiosity and possibility.
So here we are… Experimenting with one of the oldest wine techniques – the 8000 year old Georgian practice of fermenting white grapes on their skins to build tannin, texture, complexity, and a burnished orange hue…
Completely ancient in conception, but thoroughly modern in style – designed to complement the fiery, highly aromatic, complex, and perky pan-Asian food of our own home.


A bone dry style, showing lychee, musk, and dried mandarin peel aromatics, hugely complex, and somehow drawing a line between fruit derived characters, and savoury wildness. A juicy, succulent palate, with spicy jackfruit flesh, framed by sandy and chalky tannins, brisk acid, and a long lingering palate.


Take me to the tropics! All things spicy and nice... Spencer Gulf prawn and minced pork larp with green mango, betel leaves and perky ginger flower dressing.